Everest’s new tactical tool empowers Power BI support



Power BI has enabled a new era of sophisticated reporting and data analytics from almost any dataset and accelerated BI consumption in many organizations. However, few organizations have tamed the information landscape where late-arriving data or source service availability breaks your reports and leads to business complaints or worse yet, invalid decisions.

In the dynamic field of life sciences, IT managers play a critical role in ensuring that data analytics tools like Power BI operate seamlessly, supporting informed decision-making throughout the organization. Recognizing these professionals’ unique challenges, Everest Customer Solutions has developed an innovative feature in our Life Sciences Data Platform called the Power BI Helper, designed to revolutionize how IT managers support and maintain Power BI reports.


The Challenge

IT managers often grapple with the complexities of managing data refresh schedules, especially in an environment where data is constantly being updated and the best dashboards and reports utilize many data sources. The fixed schedule model of report refreshes often leads to reports being outdated soon after their generation, or worse yet, failed reports because vendor data arrived late.

Also, as of this writing, Power BI schedules can move in time with adjustments for Daylight Savings, disrupting the consistency of report availability.  Your finance team wants to review transactions after getting their morning coffee, not an hour later for several months of the year.  Moreover, the cumbersome process of facilitating ad hoc report refreshes adds to the IT workload, diverting resources from more strategic IT initiatives.


Introducing: Power BI Helper

The Power BI Helper brings IT managers four transformative features, each specifically designed to alleviate these burdens:

  1. Automated Data Synchronization: By automating report refreshes to coincide with the completion of data pipeline executions, IT managers can ensure reports are always up-to-date and just-in-time, enhancing the reliability of data analytics across the organization.
  2. Streamlined Report Management: The service’s capability to scan and group reports for efficient refresh processes significantly reduces manual oversight, allowing IT managers to optimize their time and focus on enhancing IT solutions.
  3. Elimination of Time Adjustment Hassles: Addressing the perennial challenge of Daylight Savings time adjustments, the Helper Service ensures that report refresh schedules remain consistent year-round, alleviating one of the more tedious aspects of report management.
  4. Ease of Ad Hoc Refreshes: Simplifying the process for ad hoc report refreshes empowers IT managers with flexibility, enabling them to respond swiftly to urgent data analysis needs without navigating complex procedures.  Power users can be given access to a web app to enable self-service refreshes of published reports.


Benefits for the data-driven organization

For IT managers, the Power BI Helper translates into direct operational benefits. It reduces the time and effort spent on routine maintenance tasks and enhances the overall reliability and effectiveness of the organization’s Power BI ecosystem. By automating and simplifying key aspects of report management, IT managers can reallocate their focus towards strategic IT initiatives, driving innovation and efficiency within their organizations.


A Testimonial of Success

An early adopter, the IT manager of a leading pharmaceutical company, shared, “The Power BI Helper has transformed how we manage our analytics. What used to be a time-consuming task is now streamlined and efficient, allowing my team to focus on more strategic projects. It’s been a game-changer for us.”



The Everest Power BI Helper is more than a tool; it’s a strategic partner for IT managers in the life sciences sector. By addressing the specific challenges of managing Power BI reports, it enables IT professionals to enhance their support for the organization’s data analytics needs. With its release, Everest reaffirms our commitment to empowering IT managers with innovative solutions that drive operational excellence and strategic value.